1 min read

5 layers of focus for High Performing Teams

In 2021 I wrote about the key ingredients for high performing teams on this blog which was mostly aimed at product teams. However, from those ingredients I distilled 5 layers of focus for every situation be it IT, shopping, restaurants or sports.

Put them on page 1 of your documentation hub like I do. Make sure every new teammember sees them and hears them from you personally and mention them whereever you can!

One - GOAL

Commit to the shared team goal. Understand the relationship with the company/sportsteam goals. Find the shared team goal personally meaningful!


Have common understanding of the roles and expectations in the team. Understand the interdependencies. Represent each other in- and outside the team.


Have a clear understanding on agreements. Discussions/meetings are compelling with active collaboration. Welcome feedback on how we work together and adapt/change accordingly.


Know which skills and competencies are needed to reach the team goal and are present in the team. Ask for help/ offer support. Discuss their skills, competencies and performance and show appreciation!

Know your place in the whole organization so you can reach out if need be.


Experience trust and psychological safety and feel safe to learn and dare to make mistakes. Feel included in the team. Engage in constructive conflicts. Role model and coach each other on living our values!
